Monday, January 08, 2007

Is Love Influential

I was wondering how love influences those who are in love.
I am not starting this with what is LOVE.
Believe me, it will take a whole lot of explanation, and even then, it is you who have to feel whether you are in love?. Because feelings can only be felt. It cannot be quantified.
But whether it can qualified?
A good question. But before that, what is quality love?. Which leads to another question, is love common for everyone?. The answer is simple "NO".
Love is not common, or rather not same for everyone. It all depends on what criteria taken or what are the things which influenced the lovers to love each other.
Here I am not going to discuss about TRUE love.
Here I am trying to say how Human mind reacts based on the criterias which it has taken for loving someone or the special one for him/her.
Let me take some cases and explain what I am trying to say. But don't conclude anything from the cases, let me first complete the cases and then shape it more appropriately.

case I: "Beauty"
"Hey, I love her/him because she/he looks beautiful". Based on looks and external appearance. I won't say this as the most prevalent form of love in present generation. But many consider so. What is the influence of this criteria over the person who love him/her? He/she will also try make her external appearance appealing and use it to scoreon her/him.

case II: "Money"
"Hey, She/He is rich and so I love her/him". Based on social status and precisely if you want may be monetary background. This kind of love is also available out in the world. Obviously this will lead the lover (he/she) to increase in his/her monetary status, atleast if not what his/her lover expects, but to keep him/her happy.

case III: "Education"
"Hey, She/He has a very good educational background". Based on what she/he has qualified in education. This is also available. I think I need not give explanation on whether it is available. Here he/she will try to attract her/him by taking an equally valuable education to bring in par with her his educational background.

case IV: "Intelligence/knowledge"
"Hey, She/he is intelligent so I love her". Wait what is the difference between intelligence and education? It is something so different to list as a separate case? Yes. Education is just a training to increase you intelligence/knowledge. Presence of knowledge is something which is going to make you survive different complex situations. It is not necessary that someone with good education background will be intelligent/knowledged. This will make the person to show out or incorporate the intelligence which he/she liked in his/her lover.

case V: "Character"
"Hey, what a character he/she has. Wow I love him/her for that character." This is also a mostly prevalent form of love. But this is something complicated and intersting also. Because unless you mingle with a person, you won't be able to understand his/her character. So when you think that the threshold of the persons character is reached for you to love, rather you would have started to love without your knowledge because the person has influenced you.

Now everything is ok... and goes smooth and fine..
The cases said above, do you think that they are separate or a combination of them is going to make a big deal. Yes the combination with different factors like beauty, money, education, knowledge and character. But which is going to matter more and what is the priority is going to change how a person is going to select his/her lover.
Are you asking me what is my priority?
Here we go... Character, Knowledge, Education, Money and beauty.
With Character the highest and including it with knowledge is the very major criteria, then remaining smaller part is education, money and beauty.
I don't think that I have to justify my own personal priority list ;)


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