Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I don't want you!!!

There are a lot of short but interesting poems which everyday I recieve of great words and meanings. Here one which interested me in recent times.

I have given the english meaning also for non-tamilians. (context : The person who says the poem is from India. A boy has to making a deicision about his girl friend to love or not)

Title : I don't want you

Even if the destination is China, my father use to take his bicycle.
But even to next street he asks me to take my motorbike.
How can I leave such a father and come with you?

I stay awake day in and out during exam times. But for my sake my
mother also keep awake.
How can I leave such a mother and come with you?

Cleanly ironed shirt of my elder brother kept for his office visit even if used
by me for road roaming he doesn't get angry over me but feels happy to see
me happy.
How can I leave such a elder brother and come with you?

When I need pocket money my sister gives money she reserved for getting
jewels without hesitation and with pleasant smile.
How can I leave such a sister and come with you?

Prone to anger if I beat my younger brother he will not cry when my father comes to
home so that I won't get caught.
How can I leave such a younger brother and come with you?

Like there are lot of hearts which cry everyday to keep my happy.
I don't want you who make me my heart misearble everyday!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Second stunt in my bike

It was 13th May 2006, Saturday. The day started peacefully. The very first work to be done after getting ready for the day was to go to PVR cinemas in FORUM mall for Poseidan. So dressed with Jeans and Thich black T-shirt. I rode to FORUM picking up Catinet Velmurgan (college friend) with the same head covered helmet. We had to show till 12.00PM and I liked the film. Before the show myself and Catinet Velmurugan had breakfast in krishna Sagar in front of FORUM. That afternoon we had lunch in Sri Sai Andhra style restaurant which is at walkable distance from Rehaja
Afternoon we made purcahse for my house in BTM layout. First we bought a bed and pillow. Then we went to an electronics shop for purchasing TV and DVD player. The purcahse was over and it was to be delievered before 6 PM. I was waiting till 7PM then the delivery was made. But the TV remote wasn't working properly. So I called them and made arragements to immediately change it to a new working piece. I started my bike to catch the main road. The main road was little free than as it was. There was on auto at a little audible distance. I know that it is not good to overtake an auto from left so i went to the right. From no where came a short man behind the moving into the road just in front of my bike seeing the opposite direction in a median laid road. I tried to change the direction so that to avoid hitting him directly.
Then it was fun. My handle bar was turned to left side completely with hand brake and leg brake applied. In few fraction of seconds I was skidding on road for some 2meters. I was wearing helmet and I was able to feel the vibration in my helmet since it was hit on the road and was scratching on the road safely protecting my head. I was able to see the shatter left side viewing mirror spreading all over. I sensed meanwhile that my elbow is getting scratched on the road. Immediately I changed the direction in which I was skidding from left to direction to little right with my hands up, head up and legs up. I was skidding with my left side of back body on road. When I came to rest for few seconds I was not to get any strenght. I felt a sever pain in my right hand wrist between my carpels. The same pain which I felt some when my left hand carpel got a crack during my 9th standard in school. There was a hand which lifted and I reached the median. I was able to get some strength and I was somewhere near the median of a highly traffic road. By God's grace there was no traffic at that time and I survived. I watched whether the guy whom I hit was ok. The people there were scolding the short guy for not seeing the road while crossing. I asked them to leave him. Meanwhile traffic jam started. I took the bike and went to the near by gangaotri hospital leaving my bike in Velmurgan house. I was not able to turn my wrist to give axilator in bike and then managed to reach his house. He was also having little cold. We headed to the hospital within 20 minutes of accident time. After some tests in hand movements I was asked to X-ray. It was over and confirmed that I didn't have fracture or bone injury and only soft tissue injury between carpels. So the right hand wrist movement will be restricted for few days.
I was given a crepe bandagae dressing on the right hand by the doctor. The doctor was so cordial and funny to make patient comfortable. I was really cool all through the time even though i had pain in both hands. The skin scratch on left hand elbow was burning like anything and right hand wrist no moves. If we panic it will cause more tension. So I was cool and cracking jokes with my friend. He was surprised to see my so cool in that situation. Because mind the one which make even worse situation good. So I kept cool to make the things clear and not to panic. I was taken for treatment on left hand. I cotton dipped in hydrogen peroxide was used to clean the wound. Oh god that hurted a lot. I was about to yell like anything. I asked a break from the nurse not to continously expose with hydrogen peroxide the wound and then again the process was done.
Finally after cordial treatment and medical bill payement I was out of the hospital and stayed that night in Velmurgan house and till sunday evening. I am really thankful for the help given by Velmurugan for both the days. Thus was my accident experience in my TVS victor for the second time from Feb2002 to as of now.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Art of Motion Picture

Really Amazing.
Check the link.